6.5 CPD Hours (6.5 CERPs for IBCLCs)

This course will provide an in-depth foundation on the identification, diagnosis, treatment, aftercare and life-long effects of lip and tongue ties.

Following the Foundation Course, practitioners will be able to confidently determine whether an oral restriction is impacting breastfeeding, eating, speech, breathing and posture. They will be able to professionally advise patients and parents on an appropriate course of action at various life stages.

The role of each member of a multi-disciplinary team will be covered and how overall function can be restored and enhanced through effective treatment and aftercare.

The Foundation Course includes a comprehensive 110-page workbook produced by the Tongue Tie Institute which provides extensive foundation information and scholarly references. This book is an essential companion for any health practitioner working to address oral restrictions and is only available to participants of the Foundation Course.

The Foundation Course is a prerequisite for our Advanced Courses.

All pricing is in US dollars.

Course Price: US$550 for 30 days access.

Special rates are available for midwives and lactation consultants. Please email us with proof of your professional registration to access a US$300 discount on the Foundation Course.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome & Introduction

    • How to use this course

    • Preparation & Pre-Reading Material

    • A message from the Tongue Tie Institute

    • TTI Foundation Course Text Book

    • Introduction

    • Foundation Course Outline

  • 2

    The Tongue - Chief Architect of the mouth and face

    • Key Functions of the Tongue - Part 1

    • Key Functions of the Tongue - Part 2

    • Functions across the life-span

  • 3

    The Tongue is for Life

    • Breastfeeding is the foundation

    • Effects of Oral Restrictions from Infancy

  • 4

    Introduction to Diagnosis & Treament of Oral Restrictions

    • Signs & Symptoms in Infants

    • Diagnosing Oral Restrictions

    • Surgical Treatment of Oral Restrictions

  • 5

    Aetiology & Prevelance of Oral Restrictions

    • Are Oral Restrictions on the Rise?

  • 6


    • Foundation Course Completion Quiz

    • Reference list and articles

    • Thank you from the Tongue Tie Institute

    • Before you go...



Marjan Jones

Dr Jones began treating tongue ties in adults and older children with laser surgery in the late 1990s. Her introduction to infants came later in 2012, when at the insistence of a desperate breastfeeding mother she performed her first infant frenectomy, thereby saving the first of many breastfeeding relationships. The experience she has gained and the protocols she and her team have developed after treating several thousand infants form a key part of the education programs of the TTI. Her protocol is based on the vital importance of treatment being focused on the patient, dyad and family rather than merely an isolated organ or segment of the mouth. As such the approach has ensured optimum outcomes in the form of gains in competencies for oral function across the life-span.


Dan Hanson

Dr Hanson ceased general dental practice in 2011 when his involvement in TMJ treatments and early interceptive orthodontics became a great passion. Having suffered from severe breathing dysfunction and TMJ dysfunction for many years (prior to treatment), Dr Dan knows firsthand the great benefits of preventative healthcare. He has lectured internationally on the subjects of breathing dysfunction and soft tissue dysfunction since 2011, mostly while teaching dentists about the Myobrace System, and breathing dysfunction. He has added his extensive knowledge of soft tissue and breathing dysfunction to some of the already established protocols, and in particular has assisted with the creation of protocols for “Pre-habilitation” and “Re-habiliation” for children and adults. He is a qualified Buteyko Breathing educator registered with the BIBH.

See what others say about TTI Courses

Didn't know where to start

Foundation Course Participant, June 2016

Thank you. I didn't know where to start my journey in helping others through comprehensive diagnosis of treatment, but this was the perfect place.

Essential to being a good practitioner

Foundation & Advanced Course Participant, November 2016

This is a great course and I think essential to being a good practitioner. The knock on dental, facial and whole body implications are huge. Marjan and Dan are wonderful speakers - Extremely knowledgeable, great delivery of info and so very relevant and practical. An enlightening and practice-altering course.

Comprehensive management of the mother and child

Foundation & Advanced Course Participant, November 2016

The process that has been developed really is a comprehensive management of the mother and child, and not a cookie cutter sausage factory frenectomy college. This really impressed me, and the potential benefits from releasing ties for long term facial development are logical and sound.

This course opened my eyes!

Advanced Course Participant, June 2016

The course opened my eyes to a multi-disciplinary approach to new born treatment and a new gold standard in tongue release diagnosis.

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