
Marjan Jones
Dr Jones began treating tongue ties in adults and older children with laser surgery in the late 1990s.
Her introduction to infants came later in 2012, when at the insistence of a desperate breastfeeding mother she performed her first infant frenectomy, thereby saving the first of many breastfeeding relationships.
The experience she has gained and the protocols she and her team have developed after treating several thousand infants form a key part of the education programs of the TTI.
Her protocol is based on the vital importance of treatment being focused on the patient, dyad and family rather than merely an isolated organ or segment of the mouth. As such the approach has ensured optimum outcomes in the form of gains in competencies for oral function across the life-span.

Catriona McNamara
Dr Catriona McNamara has over 25 years of clinical practice. and has completed a Diplomate in Chiropractic Paediatrics (DACCP). Her clinic in Brisbane has a strong allied health networks where she co-manages tongue-tie cases and patients with breastfeeding difficulties. She is a strong advocate for the role chiropractors can play in supporting patients with breastfeeding in the neonatal and early infant period.

Dan Hanson
Dr Hanson ceased general dental practice in 2011 when his involvement in TMJ treatments and early interceptive orthodontics became a great passion. Having suffered from severe breathing dysfunction and TMJ dysfunction for many years (prior to treatment), Dr Dan knows firsthand the great benefits of preventative healthcare.
He has lectured internationally on the subjects of breathing dysfunction and soft tissue dysfunction since 2011, mostly while teaching dentists about the Myobrace System, and breathing dysfunction.
He has added his extensive knowledge of soft tissue and breathing dysfunction to some of the already established protocols, and in particular has assisted with the creation of protocols for “Pre-habilitation” and “Re-habiliation” for children and adults.
He is a qualified Buteyko Breathing educator registered with the BIBH.